Indonesian Labour Abuse at Taiwanese Sea



Senin, 9 Januari 2017 00:00 WIB

TEMPO.CO, Taiwan: Supriyanto, an Indonesian fisherman aboard a Taiwanese vessel, died in the middle of Pacific Ocean.He was sent back home to Tegal, Central Java in September 2015. He died after repeated abuse.Taiwan is one of the worlds top three catchers of tuna. They sailed in 30 countries. Taiwanese fishing industry faces issues of human trafficking and forced labor. There are 160,000 migrant workers at Taiwanese fishing vessels. More than 40,000 Indonesian fishers work at Taiwanese ship without legal documents. They work 17-22 hours per day and prone to violence and abuse. Some are only paid 0,15 dollar per hour. They are beaten, bound and electrocuted. One Indonesian fishermen, Visa Susanto, cant take the abuse anymore. In mid-July 2013, Visa asked 7 fishermen to kill the captain and the head technician of Te Hung Hsing 368. Visa was sentenced to 28 years in prison. His seven accomplices must stay 3 to 22 years behind bars.Tempo Investigation TeamVideo Producer: Sadika HamidEditor: Ryan Maulana